Nutanix Dares2Compare with HPE Simplivity

The following is a list of claims made by HPE as part of the #HPEDare2Compare twitter campaign regarding Nutanix and a series of blog articles and Youtube videos which disprove these claims and highlight the value of the Nutanix platform.

Dare2Compare Part 1 : HPE/Simplivity’s 10:1 data reduction HyperGuarantee Explained

Dare2Compare Part 2 : HPE/Simplivity’s claim Nutanix snaps take 10x longer

Dare2Compare Part 3 : Nutanix can’t support Dedupe without 8vCPUs

Dare2Compare Part 4 : HPE provides superior resiliency than Nutanix?

Dare2Compare Part 5 : Nutanix can’t claim single screen management w/o extra fees or GUIs

Dare2Compare Part 6 : Nutanix data efficiency stats can’t be found

Dare2Compare Part 7 : HPE provides superior performance to Nutanix


More coming soon! Stay tuned!