VMware Host Isolation Response in a Nutanix Environment #NoSAN

I was recently discussing the Nutanix solution with a friend of mine and fellow VCDX, Michael Webster (@vcdxnz001) and he asked what the recommended Host Isolation Response is for Nutanix.

At this stage I must advise there is no formal recommendation, but an Official vSphere on Nutanix Best Practice guide is in the works and will be released asap.

Back to my conversation with Michael, Being that Nutanix is an IP Storage solution, my initial feeling is that Host isolation Response should be set to “Shutdown”, but I didn’t go into any more detail with Michael, so I thought it best to post a quick explanation.

This post also assumes basic knowledge of vSphere as well as the Nutanix platform, for those of you who are not familiar with Nutanix please review the following links prior to reading the remainder of this post.

About Nutanix | How Nutanix Works | 8 Strategies for a Modern Datacenter

So back on topic, in other posts I have written for IP Storage, such as (Example Architectural Decision – Host Isolation Response for IP Storage) I have concluded that “Shutdown” was the most suitable setting and recommended specifying isolation addresses of the NAS controllers.

But as Nutanix changes the game and has one virtual storage controller per ESXi host, so does this change the recommendation?

In short, No, but for those who are interested, here is why.

If we leave the default isolation address, (being the default gateway for ESXi Management), in the event the gateway is down, it will trigger an isolation response even if the rest of the network is operating fine, thus an unnecessary outage would occur.

If we configure das.isolationaddress1 & 2 with the Management IP address of any two Nutanix Controller VMs (192.168.1.x , 192.168.1.y in my below diagram) then an isolation response will only be triggered if both Nutanix Controller VMs (CVMs) are not responding, in which case, the VMs should be Shutdown as the Nutanix cluster may not be function properly with two Controllers offline concurrently as its configured by default for N+1 (or replication factor of “2” in Nutanix speak).

The below is a high level example of the above configuration.


Related Articles

1. Example Architectural Decision – Host Isolation Response for a Nutanix Environment

2. Storage DRS and Nutanix – To use, or not to use, that is the question?

3. VMware HA and IP Storage

Giving Back to the VMware community

After achieving my VCDX in Toronto mid last year (2012), one of my goals was to start blogging and giving back to the VMware/Virtualisation community which I wrote in my About Me post back in April last year.

Over the last year I presented at multiple VMUG events , contributed to community podcasts and kicked off this blog (CloudXC). I also got more involved with Twitter and VMware Communities forum.

I have also helped a number of VCDX candidates with mock panels and submission reviews and I am very pleased a number of those candidates have been successful.

I am pleased to say I have thoroughly enjoyed getting more involved with the community, and have met a lot of great people and learnt lots of new things along the way.

Today I received notification that along with 574 others, I was awarded the title of vExpert for 2013. (vExpert Awardees announced here)

Just like achieving VCDX, earning the vExpert title for me is just motivation to continually keep improving my skills and adding value to the community.

Thanks to everyone involved with the vExpert Program and I look forward to continuing to contribute too this great community and hopefully get another vExpert gong next year.

Congrats to everyone else who was awarded vExpert for 2013!




Example Architectural Decision – vSphere Path Selection Plugin (PSP) for IBM SVC Storage

Problem Statement

What is the most suitable multipathing policy when using IBM SVC storage?


1. Ensure maximum performance and availability for vSphere storage
2. Ensure storage performance is as consistent as possible


1. IBM SVC Storage which is Active/Active
2. VAAI is supported and enabled


1. Solution must be supported


1. Ensure optimal performance and redundancy
2. Minimize Latency

Architectural Decision

Use vSphere Native Multipathing Plugin (NMP) and configure “VMW_PSP_RR” (Round Robin) as the path selection policy.

Set the default PSP to “VMW_PSP_RR” (Round Robin) for SATP VMW_SATP_SVC so all new LUNs automatically use Round Robin


1. Round Robin helps ensure minimum average latency to the storage by using all available paths
2. Ensure performance is not degraded for some/all virtual machines due to a single HBA or connection being heavily utilized
3. Using “VMW_PSP_ FIXED” requires the paths to be manually load balanced to avoid thrashing a single path
4. Using “VMW_PSP_MRU” or “VMW_PSP_ FIXED” may lead to incosistent performance across the LUNs due to some paths being more heavily used than others
5. There is no MPP currently supplied by IBM for SVC storage
6. Round Robin is a supported configuration (Note: Although not specifically listed in the Compatability Matrix)


1. Use “VMW_PSP_FIXED” (Default) – Fixed Pathing
2. Use “VMW_PSP_MRU”  – Most Recently Used
3. Use vendor supplied Multipathing Plugin


1. None
